An older woman wearing a robe and looking at her face in the mirror (model)

It’s been called “Hollywood’s secret weapon,” but the effectiveness of BOTOX for elevating the brow without surgery or downtime is no secret to the women and men at our plastic surgery practice in Eugene, Oregon. Our injectors, including board-certified nurse practitioner Hillary Jewell, strategically use BOTOX or Dysport® to create a rested, more youthful appearance. And while it cannot achieve what a surgical brow lift does, for the right candidates, it can be a great option.

What Is a BOTOX Brow Lift?

Many people want their foreheads and brows to have an elevated, arched appearance that looks youthful. BOTOX injections create this look by relaxing the muscles responsible for causing forehead wrinkles and pulling down on the eyebrows. When we relax the brow depressor muscles, it allows the brow elevator muscles to naturally lift the brow.

BOTOX results are temporary, lasting about 4 months before another treatment is necessary to maintain the results.

What Happens During a BOTOX Brow Lift?

During your consultation, we’ll discuss your concerns and whether BOTOX treatment is the right solution. If it is, the treatment itself lasts only minutes, and you can return to work or other normal activities immediately after the procedure. Don’t rub the injection site, and avoid vigorous exercise until the following day. You’ll probably notice some redness in the treatment area that gradually resolves during the next several hours.

When Is a Brow Lift the Best Option?

Neurotoxins such as BOTOX and Dysport work well to minimize forehead wrinkles and frown lines. But if your eyebrows sag below the orbital rim, a surgical brow lift may be the appropriate approach to create a more open appearance. A brow lift is also a good choice for patients seeking more dramatic and long-lasting results.

Endoscopic brow lifts are less invasive than traditional brow lift surgery. Instead of a single, long incision along the hairline, an endoscopic procedure involves making several small incisions and using a thin tube with a camera at the end (the endoscope) to guide the surgeon’s efforts. A lateral brow lift involves making incisions in the temple area with lateral suspension of the brows.

Even though the incisions are well-concealed in the hairline, a surgical brow lift does require downtime.

Preparing for a BOTOX Brow Lift

One week before your BOTOX brow lift appointment, you should stop taking aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). You should also avoid taking vitamin E and omega fatty acid supplements, which can cause more bruising. At your consultation, we’ll provide a complete list of medications and supplements to avoid before getting a BOTOX brow lift.

How Much Does a BOTOX Brow Lift Cost?

The cost of a BOTOX brow lift depends on how many injections are needed to produce the results you want. You may also want to combine the injections with other treatments, such as dermal filler injections to address other facial wrinkles.

Choose an Expert Injector

Getting the best results from a BOTOX brow lift requires an injector with expertise. At Jewell Plastic Surgery, Hillary Jewell has been trained by some of the best injector educators at Allergan and Galderma, the companies that make BOTOX and Dysport. If you want to discuss the benefits of a BOTOX brow lift with her or one of our plastic surgeons, request a consultation using the online form or call us at (541) 683-3238 to schedule an appointment.

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